Last week I wrote about how becoming aware of the glimmers brings more joy into your life. To benefit from glimmers, you need to notice them as they occur. Those instances are precious, and you can add to them by extending that focus.

With so much on our plates and so much stress in our lives, all too often we go through the day like automatons moving from one prescribed thing to the next. Whatever is next on the to-do list gets our focus – while we are also frequently thinking about what comes after that. In addition to becoming aware of glimmers, we must become an active participant, present in our lives. In other words, we need to be truly alive. Doing so will bring positive changes to mental and physical health.

In his article, Jack Craven explains Why You Need to Prioritize Aliveness, Starting Today. He defines aliveness as: “a sense of being fully awake, fully present.” According to Craven, overwhelming stress is the opposite of aliveness because it is a reactive state. To get started, he asks us to respond to these three questions:

  1. When have you felt most alive? – Think backwards from today – go in five year increments if that helps – and go back as far as you need. Was it a special occasion? Maybe it was viewing the recent eclipse. Go back as far as you want. One I remember is running as fast as the wind when I was a child. What moments can you recall?
  2. What does aliveness feel like to you? –What words come to your mind? For me, it’s exuberance. Others might choose serenity or laughter. Bubbly. Present. Make a list. We are unique. Everyone’s answer will be different. Whatever feels true to you is right.
  3. What could you do today to increase your aliveness? – With this memory and these words, begin what hopefully is a never-ending journey to add these steps into your life. What is one thing you love doing that brings you this feeling? When can you do it? (Today would be great!) The more you can intentionally add this to your life, the more you will become increasingly alive. And keep in mind, this is not a sprint. It’s a lifelong marathon.

 Some aliveness principles to consider:

Aliveness is always with you – It’s there. You have experienced it. Now you need to move it to a more central place inside you. Bring your awareness to it, and you will notice it more.

Prioritize how you want to feel each day, not what you want to doAn important change to your To-Do list. It’s about becoming a Human Being not a Human Doing. Craven says to set your mindset for the day each morning and keep that in focus as you go through your day. If it helps, write it down someplace you can see it.

Avoid calendar creep – This is when more and more is added to everyday. What gets pushed out? You – and this wonderful feeling. When your To-Do list becomes too long, stop and ask yourself: Do I have to do this? What can I let go? Who else can handle it? If it needs to be handled by you, make sure you’re also making time for those things that light you up.

We need to be in the relationship business. When stress overwhelms us, we are less approachable. And that is not good for building relationships. Or for our own health. It’s time to become alive and be a presence in and present to the world. Find what makes you come alive and add more of that to your life.

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